Ekadashi is a very important festival in Hindu tradition, which is celebrated on the next day of Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha of every month. Aja Ekadashi is also known as Ekadashi which falls on the Ekadashi day of Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. On this day, Lord Vishnu is worshiped. It is said that worshiping Lord Vishnu on the day of Aja Ekadashi and donating to the poor and sad people brings happiness, prosperity and wealth in life. There are also beliefs that fasting on Ekadashi frees a person from all sins.
Importance of Aja Ekadashi
Aja Ekadashi is considered to be of special importance in the Sanatan tradition. It is a religious belief that a person who observes fast and donates on this Ekadashi goes to Vishnulok after enjoying all the worldly pleasures. This Ekadashi, which falls in the Bhadrapada Krishna Paksha, is considered to destroy all sins and give fruits equal to the Ashwamedha Yagya. Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with proper rituals on this day.
While telling about this Ekadashi, Lord Krishna had told Yudhishthira, “By observing a fast on Aja Ekadashi and worshipping with proper rituals, a person can get rid of all his sins and attain salvation.” Therefore, there is a special significance of fasting on this day and worshipping Lord Narayan with full heart.
Aja Ekadashi 2024 Date and Auspicious Time
Aja Ekadashi will start from 01:18 pm on 29 August 2024. Also, this Ekadashi will conclude on 30 August 2024 at 01:36 am. Udayatithi is valid in Hinduism, so this Ekadashi will be celebrated on 29 August.
Importance of Donation
Donation is considered very important in Hindu religious scriptures. People who believe in Sanatan culture have been understanding the importance of donation for centuries. People donate for peace of mind, fulfillment of wishes, attainment of virtue, freedom from the effects of planetary defects and to receive God’s blessings.
Donation is also important in Hinduism because it is said that the benefits of donation are not only received during life but also after death. But you get the virtuous fruit of donation/charity only when the donation is given to the deserving person at the right time, in the right way and with a true heart.
Mentioning the importance of charity, it is said in Shrimad Bhagavadgita–
दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे।
देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम्।।
(The charity which is given as a duty, without any expectation of any reward, at the right time and place and to a deserving person engaged in spiritual activities is considered Satvik.)
Donate these things on Aja Ekadashi
Like other festivals, charity is considered to be of great importance on Aja Ekadashi. It is said that donating food grains and grains on this auspicious day is the best. Therefore, on the auspicious occasion of Ekadashi, become a part of virtue by supporting the project of Narayan Seva Sansthan to donate food to the downtrodden, poor and handicapped children.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):-
Question: When is Aja Ekadashi 2024 ?
Answer: Aja Ekadashi is on 29th August 2024.
Question: Who should be donated to on Aja Ekadashi ?
Answer: Donations should be given to Brahmins and poor people on Aja Ekadashi.
Question: What should be donated on Aja Ekadashi ?
Answer: On the auspicious occasion of Aja Ekadashi, food grains, fruits etc. should be donated.