Anil's Inspirational Journey with Narayan Seva Sansthan...

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Success Story : Anil

Anil, a 24-year-old native of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, battled polio from birth. His parents, Hariprasad and Gulabkali, were thrilled to welcome their firstborn but were soon faced with the harsh reality of their son’s disability. Anil’s growing age compounded the challenges posed by his disability, subjecting him to increasing societal bias and discrimination. Despite their relentless efforts, Anil’s parents found little success in the numerous treatments they sought. In 2015, a ray of hope shone through when they learned about Narayan Seva Sansthan’s free polio treatment and service projects through the Aastha channel. This information became the turning point in Anil’s life, offering him the prospect of a new beginning.       

Upon arriving in Udaipur, the specialized doctors at the institution conducted a successful operation on both of Anil’s feet. Post-surgery, his life, once marked by limping, gradually transformed, and he could stand on both feet. Anil, who faced the challenge of deformed feet from birth, now finds himself standing on both feet, walking without any support. Anil expressed his gratitude to Narayan Seva Sansthan for providing him with a new lease on life. Sansthan not only facilitated a successful operation on both of Anil’s feet but also equipped him with valuable skills. In November 2023, Anil received free training in mobile repairing from the institution, making him self-reliant and providing an economic foundation for his family.